
What one person can do

When I retire, I hope to rent a place in Tuscany and pick grapes. So you might understand why my jaw dropped when I first heard about "retired" Anita De Biase.

For more than seven years, Anita has been a volunteer coordinator for T.H.O.R.N. Ministries — Thankfully Helping Others' Real Needs. When Anita's not in the makeshift kitchen behind her home, transporting food to three Tampa locations, cleaning up after the prep and deliveries, she's networking with other nonprofit organizations. She and a core group of 10 volunteers feed up to 500 homeless folks every Sunday.

Obviously Anita doesn't understand the word "retire." Seventy-one years young, she was born in Germany, and she knows what it's like to be hungry. Immediately after World War II, she had to beg for food.

Anita told me the things needed most are meats, produce, canned goods, plastic bags, gas cards, personal hygiene items and men's clothing. If you'd like to help out, call her at (813) 677-8058.

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